Vanguard Acronyms

taken from the VG forums, thanks to everyone who contributed to this list

  • APW - Ancient Port Warehouse
  • BC - Bordinar's Cleft
  • BH - Bernaid Hills
  • BoD = Bridge of Destiny (high level group and raid area)
  • CB - Ca'ial Brael
  • CW = Celestine Ward (quest area for VT quests)
  • CIS = Coterie Infineum Sanctuary (high 20, low 30's overland dungeon)
  • CoB = City of Brass
  • DT = Dargun's Tomb (30's dungeon)
  • HL = Hunter's League (low level questline than many players use due to the superior gear and ease of finding groups)
  • HM - Hillsbury Manor
  • HZ - Hathor Zhi
  • IoD = Isle of Dawn (new starting area)
  • IoG = Isle of Garuzamat (raid area)
  • IoM - Isle of Madness
  • JBOOTS - Journeyman's Boots
  • KDQ - Kamelott Daily Quests
  • KE - Khegor's End
  • KH - Karrus Hakrel
  • KR - Kaon's Rush
  • MH = Magi Hold
    • can also be refered to as: Mist Haven (low and high level dungeons, high one also referred to as SH = Shadow Hilsbury)
  • NN = Nusibe Necropolis (mid 40's - 50's massive dungeon)
  • NT = New Targonor
  • OT = Old Targonor, level 40+ grouping area. Named kills needed here for Griffon Mount quest line
  • PoA - Plains of Anguish (not to be confused with PoTA)
  • PoTA - Pantheon of the Ancients
  • PZ - Phankor zhi
  • RI = Rahz Inkur (mid 40's - 50 dungeon)
  • RK = Renton Keep (place to get diplo buffs and good mid teen quest area)
  • RP - Role Play or River Palace (depending on context)
  • RT = Riftseeker's Torrent (low level dungeon)
  • SC - Station Cash or Seawatch Coast (depending on context)
  • SS = Shimmering Shallows (high level raid, group, solo area)
  • SoD = Shores of Darkness (50+ quest area, also known as KDQ - Kamellot Daily Quests)
  • SoK = Sea of Kojan (high level solo area)
  • TD - Tuathien Delta
  • TG - Tawar Galan
  • Thel - Thelassen (specifically the dungeon)
  • TJ - Tar Janashir
  • TK = Trengal Keep (mid 20's dungeon)
  • ToT = Temple of Tehatamani (quest area for mid to high 40's)
  • Trickster's = Trickster's Haven (40's dungeon)
  • ToD = Temple of Dailuk (low level quest area)
  • ToLT - Tomb of Lord Tsang
  • URT = United Races of Thestra
  • VT = Vol Tuniel (low 30's dungeon)
  • WG - Imperial War Golem or Wildgrowth Forest
  • WG, WF, or WGF - Wildgrowth Forrest
  • ZH - Zossyr Hakrel
  • T1, T2, T3..etc (T = Tier) - Used primarily in relation to crafting, gear, harvesting to denote the level/tier. (Note, that the Tier of a crafted item refers to the level of combine/resource it takes to make it, not necessarily the level of the final product. Different crafted items are different levels. Chestpieces are always at the top of the list, so a T3 Chestplate (Blue) would be usable by a level 29, but an (upgraded) UR T3 crafted chestplate (orange con) would be 2 levels higher at level 31. Still T3 though, because the resources used were T3).
  • T1: Level 1-10 Crafting (Novice), (Harvesting need 0+ skill)
  • T2: Level 11 - 20 (Amature) (Harvesting need 100+ skill)
  • T3: Level 21 - 30 (Apprentice) (Harvesting need 200+ skill)
  • T4: Level 31 - 40 (Initiate) (Harvesting need 300+ skill)
  • T5: Level 41 - 50 (Journeyman) (harvesting need 400+ skill)
  • T6: 50+ (Artisan) (Harvesting need 500 skill)
  • T1-T3 is also used to refer to the level of POTA (Pantheon of the Ancients Progression gear) (T3 being the best you can get).
  • "A Karii" or "AFKarii" - a short, quick, ninja like "Away from Keyboard" time normally without announcing it to your group and/or raid

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