The Gods
- Haelifur "The Dragon"
- Sartholas "The Hunter"
- Theindal "The Prince"
- Finch "The Prince of Thieves"
- Sihari "The Dark Lady of the Sea"
- Ghalnn "The Caller of War"
- Vothdar "The Valorous"
- Vaelion "The Strategist"
- Valus "The Judge"
- Vol Anari "The Brilliant"
- Vol Tuniel "The Maiden"
- Gloriann "The Peacebearer"
- Alurad "The Skilled"
- Kaerellun "The Princess of Deceit"
- The Sisters "The Divided One" - The Sisters are a duality, two sides of a single coin, and that coin is death. The sisters are also referred to by two names, Mara and Caia. Together their symbol is a black skull adorned with a golden burial wreath.
- Moraj "The Peacebringer" "The Dead One"
- Kheolim "The Unifier"
- Rurkogd - 'The Guardian'