Head Informants


There are three Head Informants in Telon (one on each major continent):

Jura Dragonfall (Tawar Galan on Martok Dock, -33119, -79314, 897)
Najler Isstar (Ahgram in the Palace, -87353, 1039, 3570)
Lushas Gold (New Targonor in the Temple of the Fathers, -24017, -4071, 38351)

These Informants offer a large number of quests that will reward you with prestigious rewards in exchange for high quality information. The quests do not indicate which tier the information must be from. They do require Unequalled information for turn-in's.


Reward: Accessories


  • 1x Evidence of Arcana
  • 1x Evidence for Blackmail
  • 1x Evidence about Plots
  • 1x Evidence of Trends


  • Informant's Sigil of Presence (Level 50, Held, +50 Crafter, +50 Domestic, +50 Outsider, +50 Soldier)
  • Informant's Sigil of Tact (Level 50, Held, +50 Academic, +50 Clergy, +50 Merchant, +50 Noble)
  • Head Officer's Bracer (Level 50, Wrists)
  • Bracelet of the Charismatic Leader ( Level 50, Wrists)

Reward: Cards


1x Evidence for Blackmail
1x Evidence about Plots
1x Evidence of Trends
1x Evidence of Arcana


Card of Masterful Direction (Inspire/Repeal, 6-9 Inf, 3-4 Refresh, Cost 1130, Gives Opponent 2001, Gives Player 0100)
Card of Lamplighter Lore (Reason/Evaluation, 0-10 Refresh, Gives Self 0800, Gives Opponent 1100)

Reward: Cloaks


  • 1x Evidence of Arcana
  • 1x Evidence for Blackmail
  • 1x Evidence about Plots
  • 1x Evidence of Trends


  • Lamplighter Cloak of Telon's Soul (Level 50, Cloak, +150 Crafter, +150 Merchant, +150 Noble, +150 Outsider)
  • Lamplighter Cloak of Telon's Joy (Level 50, Cloak, +150 Academic, +150 Merchant, +150 Clergy, +150 Crafter)
  • Lamplighter Cloak of Telon's Brillance (Level 50, Cloak, +150 Domestic, +150 Soldier, +150 Noble, +150 Outsider)
  • Lamplighter Cloak of Telon's Victory (Level 50, Cloak, +150 Academic, +150 Clergy, +150 Domestic, +150 Soldier)
  • Lamplighter Sash of Telon's Purity (Level 50, Shoulder, +225 Academic, +225 Domestic, +225 Merchant, +225 Outsider)
  • Lamplighter Sash of Telon's Justice (Level 50, Shoulder, +225 Clergy, +225 Crafter, +225 Noble, +225 Soldier)
  • Lamplighter Sash of Telon's Pride (Level 50, Shoulder, +225 Clergy, +225 Crafter, +225 Domestic, +225 Merchant)
  • Lamplighter Sash of Telon's Frevor (Level 50, Shoulder, +225 Academic, +225 Outside, +225 Noble, +225 Soldier)

Reward: Containers


  • 1x Evidence of Arcana
  • 1x Evidence for Blackmail
  • 1x Evidence about Plots
  • 1x Evidence of Trends


  • Lamplighter Luggage (Level 45 (40 Req), Dip Container Slot, 75 slots)
  • Lamplighter Wrist Purse (Level 50, Wrist, 5 container slots, +200 noble presence, +200 merchant presence)
  • Lamplighter Utility Belt (Level 45, Waist, 10 container slots, +100 crafter presence, +100 soldier presence)

Reward: Expendables


  • 1x Hearsay about Arcana
  • 1x Hearsay for Blackmail
  • 1x Hearsay about Plots
  • 1x Hearsay about Trends


  • Mercenary Contract (Calls a Mercenary for a limited period of time)
  • Bodyguard Contract (Calls a Bodyguard for a limited period of time)
  • Merchant Contract (Calls a Merchant for a limited period of time)
  • Mage Contract (Calls a Combat Mage for a limited period of time)

Reward: Jewelry


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • Lamplighter Informant's Choker (Level 50, Neck, +100 Merchant, +100 Noble, +100 Outsider, +100 Soldier)
  • Lamplighter Informant's Pendant (Level 50, Neck, +100 Academic, +100 Clergy, +100 Crafter, +100 Domestic)
  • Lamplighter Informant's Collar (Level 50, Neck, +100 Academic, +100 Outsider, +100 Soldier, +100 Domestic)
  • Lamplighter Informant's Locket (Level 50, Neck, +100 Noble, +100 Clergy, +100 Crafter, +100 Merchant)
  • Lamplighter Ring of the Heart (Level 50, Finger, +100 Crafter, +100 Domestic, +100 Outsider, +100 Soldier)
  • Lamplighter Ring of the Mind (Level 50, Finger, +100 Academic, +100 Clergy, +100 Merchant, +100 Noble)
  • Lamplighter Earring of Inspiration (Level 50, Ear, +100 Crafter, +100 Domestic, +100 Outsider, +100 Soldier)
  • Lamplighter Earring of Command (Level 50, Ear, +100 Academic, +100 Clergy, +100 Merchant, +100 Noble)

Reward: Kojani Clothes


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • Tanvu Ambassador Robe (Level 50, Chest, +500 Clergy, +500 Merchant)
  • Tanvu Lord Robe (Level 50, Chest, +500 Domestic, +500 Noble)
  • Tanvu Poet Robe (Level 50, Chest, +500 Academic, +500 Crafter)
  • Tanvu Shotaru Robe (Level 50, Chest, +500 Outsider, +500 Soldier)
  • Tanvu Ambassador Breeches (Level 50, Legs, +125 Clergy, +125 Merchant)
  • Tanvu Lord Breeches (Level 50, Legs, +125 Domestic, +125 Noble)
  • Tanvu Poet Breeches (Level 50, Legs, +125 Academic, +125 Crafter)
  • Tanvu Shotaru Breeches (Level 50, Legs, +125 Outsider, +125 Soldier)

Reward: Qalian Clothes


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • Ahgram Delgate Vest (Level 50, Chest, +500 Merchant, +500 Outsider)
  • Ahgram Consul Vest (Level 50, Chest, +500 Academic, +500 Noble)
  • Ahgram Emissary Vest (Level 50, Chest, +500 Clergy, +500 Crafter)
  • Ahgram Agent Vest (Level 50, Chest, +500 Domestic, +500 Soldier)
  • Ahgram Delegate Pantaloons (Level 50, Legs, +125 Merchant, +125 Outsider)
  • Ahgram Consul Pantaloons (Level 50, Legs, +125 Academic, +125 Noble)
  • Ahgram Emissary Pantaloons (Level 50, Legs, +125 Clergy, +125 Crafter)
  • Ahgram Agent Pantaloons (Level 50, Legs, +125 Domestic, +125 Soldier)

Reward: Thestran Clothes


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • New Targonor Advisor Jacket (Level 50, Chest, +500 Merchant, +500 Noble)
  • New Targonor Envoy Jacket (Level 50, Chest, +500 Crafter, +500 Outsider)
  • New Targonor Counselor Jacket (Level 50, Chest, +500 Clergy, +500 Domestic)
  • New Targonor Commander Jacket (Level 50, Chest, +500 Academic, +500 Soldier)
  • New Targonor Advisor Trousers (Level 50, Legs, +125 Merchant, +125 Noble)
  • New Targonor Envoy Trousers (Level 50, Legs, +125 Crafter, +125 Outsider)
  • New Targonor Counselor Trousers (Level 50, +125 Clergy, +125 Domestic)
  • New Targonor Commander Trousers (Level 50, Legs, +125 Academic, +125 Soldier)

Reward: Titles


  • 1x Hearsay about Arcana
  • 1x Hearsay for Blackmail
  • 1x Hearsay about Plots
  • 1x Hearsay about Trends


  • Title: Master Informant
  • Title: Lamplighter

Reward: Kojani Accoutrements


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • Tanvu Ambassador Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Clergy, +125 Merchant)
  • Tanvu Lord Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Domestic, +125 Noble)
  • Tanvu Poet Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Academic, +125 Crafter)
  • Tanvu Shotaru Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Outsider, +125 Soldier)
  • Tanvu Ambassador Obi (Level 50, Waist, +200 Clergy, +200 Merchant)
  • Tanvu Lord Obi (Level 50, Waist, +200 Domestic, +200 Noble)
  • Tanvu Poet Obi (Level 50, Waist, +200 Academic, +200 Crafter)
  • Tanvu Shotaru Obi (Level 50, Waist, +200 Outsider, +200 Soldier)
  • Tanvu Ambassador Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Clergy, +200 Merchant)
  • Tanvu Lord Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Domestic, +200 Noble)
  • Tanvu Poet Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Academic, +200 Crafter)
  • Tanvu Shotaru Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Outsider, +200 Soldier)

Reward: Qalian Accoutrements


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • Ahgram Delgate Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Merchant, +125 Outsider)
  • Ahgram Consul Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Academic, +125 Noble)
  • Ahgram Emissary Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Clergy, +125 Crafter)
  • Ahgram Agent Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Domestic, +125 Soldier)
  • Ahgram Delgate Band (Level 50, Waist, +200 Merchant, +200 Outsider)
  • Ahgram Consul Band (Level 50, Waist, +200 Academic, +200 Noble)
  • Ahgram Emissary Band (Level 50, Waist, +200 Clergy, +200 Crafter)
  • Ahgram Agent Band (Level 50, Waist, +200 Domestic, +200 Soldier)
  • Ahgram Delgate Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Merchant, +200 Outsider)
  • Ahgram Consul Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Academic, +200 Noble)
  • Ahgram Emissary Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Clergy, +200 Crafter)
  • Ahgram Agent Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Domestic, +200 Soldier)

Reward: Thestran Accoutrements


  • 1x Rumor of Arcana
  • 1x Rumor of Blackmail
  • 1x Rumor of Plots
  • 1x Rumor of Trends


  • New Targonor Advisor Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Merchant, +125 Noble)
  • New Targonor Envoy Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Crafter, +125 Outsider)
  • New Targonor Counselor Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Clergy, +125 Domestic)
  • New Targonor Commander Gloves (Level 50, Hands, +125 Academic, +125 Soldier)
  • New Targonor Advisor Belt (Level 50, Waist, +200 Merchant, +200 Noble)
  • New Targonor Envoy Belt (Level 50, Waist, +200 Crafter, +200 Outsider)
  • New Targonor Counselor Belt (Level 50, Waist, +200 Clergy, +200 Domestic)
  • New Targonor Commander Belt (Level 50, Waist, +200 Academic, +200 Soldier)
  • New Targonor Advisor Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Merchant, +200 Noble)
  • New Targonor Envoy Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Crafter, +200 Outsider)
  • New Targonor Counselor Boots] (Level 50, Feet, +200 Clergy, +200 Domestic)
  • New Targonor Commander Boots (Level 50, Feet, +200 Academic, +200 Soldier)

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